10. Martău G.A., Teleky B.E., Vodnar D.C. Apple pomace as a sustainable substrate in sourdough fermentation. Frontiers in Microbiology 2021, Volume 12, Pages 3850, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.742020
– IF 5.640 (2021)
9. Martău G.A., Unger P., Schneider R., Venus J., Vodnar D.C., López-Gómez P. Integration of solid state and submerged fermentations for the valorization of organic municipal solid waste. Journal of Fungi 2021, 7(9), 766, doi: 10.3390/jof7090766
– IF 5.816 (2021)
8. Martău G.A., Calinoiu L.F., Vodnar D.C. Bio-vanillin: towards a sustainable industrial production. Trends in Food Science & Technology 2021, Volume 109, March 2021, Pages 579-592, doi: 10.1016/j.tifs.2021.01.059
– IF 11.077 (2021)
7. Teleky B.E., Martău G.A., Ranga F., Chețan F., Vodnar D. C. Physicochemical Effects of Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus casei cocultures on soy–wheat flour dough fermentation. Foods 2020, doi:10.3390/foods9121894
– IF 4.350 (2021).
6. Vodnar D.C., Mitrea L., Teleky B.E., Szabo K., Calinoiu L.F., Martău G.A., Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) caused by (SARS-CoV-2) infections: a real challenge for human gut microbiota. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 2020, doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2020.575559
– IF 4.123 (2020).
5. Teleky B.E., Martau G.A., Ranga F., Chețan F., Vodnar D. C. Exploitation of lactic acid bacteria and baker’s yeast as single or multiple starter cultures of wheat flour dough enriched with soy flour. Biomolecules 2020, doi:10.3390/biom10050778
– IF 4.082 (2020).
4. Martau G.A., Coman V., Vodnar D.C. Recent advances in the biotechnological production of erythritol and mannitol. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology 2020, doi:10.1080/07388551.2020.1751057
– IF 8.108 (2020).
3. Mitrea, L.; Calinoiu, L.F.; Martau, G.A.; Szabo, K.; Teleky, B.E.; Muresan, V.; Rusu, A.V.; Socol, C.T.; Vodnar, D.C. Poly(vinyl alcohol)-Based Biofilms Plasticized with Polyols and Colored with Pigments Extracted from Tomato By-Products. Polymers (Basel) 2020, 12, doi:10.3390/polym12030532
– IF 3.426 (2020).
2. Szabo K., Teleky B.E., Mitrea L., Călinoiu L.F., Martau G.A., Simon E., Varvara A., Vodnar D.C. Active packaging – poly(vinyl alcohol) films enriched with tomato by-products extract. Coatings 2020, 10, doi:10.3390/coatings10020141
– IF 2.426 (2020).
1. Martau G.A., Mihai M., Vodnar D.C. The use of chitosan, alginate, and pectin in the biomedical and food sector-biocompatibility, bioadhesiveness, and biodegradability. Polymers (Basel) 2019, 11, 1837, doi:10.3390/polym11111837
– IF 3.426 (2020).
Book chapters
1. Coman, V.; Teleky, B.-E.; Mitrea, L.; Martău, G.A.; Szabo, K.; Călinoiu, L.-F.; Vodnar, D.C. Bioactive potential of fruit and vegetable wastes. In Advances in Food and Nutrition Research, Academic Press: 2019;
2. Precup G.; Mitrea L., Călinoiu L.-F., Martău G.A., Nemeş A., Teleky B.-E., Coman V., Vodnar D.C. Food processing by-products and molecular gastronomy. Gastronomy and Food Science, 2021, Pages 137-163.
Conferences participation as the first author
9. Gheorghe-Adrian MARTĂU 2021. Model experimental de reducere a carbohidraților din produsele alimentare fermentate cu obținere de polioli de către culturi selecționate de bacterii lactice acide –FreeSugar– 22th–26th November 2021. Conferințele Științifice INOVALIMENT – ORAL PRESS.
8. Gheorghe-Adrian MARTĂU, P. UNGER, R. SCHNEIDER, J. VENUS, D.C. VODNAR, J.P. LÓPEZ‑GÓMEZ. 2021. Waste valorization and enzymes production via solid-state fermentation used for lactic acid production. 23th–25th September 2021. The 20th International Conference “Life Sciences for Sustainable Development”, Cluj-Napoca, Romania – ORAL PRESS.
7. Gheorghe-Adrian MARTĂU, B.E. TELEKY, F. RANGA D.V. VODNAR. 2021. Apple pomace – a potential substrate in sourdough fermentation. 23th–25th June 2021. The 6th International ISEKI–Food Conference “Sustainable Development Goals in Food Systems: challenges and opportunities for the future”, Vienna, Austria – ORAL PRESS.
6. Gheorghe-Adrian MARTĂU, B.E. TELEKY, D.V. VODNAR. 2020. Polyols production by lactic acid bacteria in a sourdough fermentation. 24th–25th September 2020. The 19th International Conference “Life Sciences for Sustainable Development”, Cluj-Napoca, Romania – ORAL PRESS.
5. Gheorghe-Adrian MARTĂU, M. MIHAI, D.C. VODNAR. 2020. Biocompatibility, bioadhesiveness, and biodegradability of chitosan, alginate, and pectin used in the food and biomedical industry. 24th–25th September 2020. The 19th International Conference “Life Sciences for Sustainable Development”, Cluj-Napoca, Romania – POSTER.
4. Gheorghe-Adrian Martău, D.C. VODNAR. 2019. Reducing sugar in food by obtaining polyols. 26th-28th September 2019. The 18th International Conference „Life Science for Sustainable Development”, Cluj-Napoca, Romania – Oral Presentation.
3. Gheorghe-Adrian Martău. Making of - WeEuropeans Congress - March 22nd, 2019, L’AGENDA CITOYEN : TOP 10 DES PROPOSITIONS SÉLECTIONNÉES PAR LES CITOYENS EUROPÉENS-, Bruxelles, Belgia.
2. Gheorghe-Adrian Martău. CEDRU-2015, PSIHO-PROFIL, Career guidance services, employment service, recruitment, selection, Cluj Napoca – Oral Presentation.
1. Gheorghe-Adrian Martău. Food packaging and design 2012– Workshop
Conferences participation as co-author
1. Katalin SZABO, B.E. TELEKY, L. MITREA, L.F. CĂLINOIU, G.A. MARTĂU, E. SIMON, D.C. VODNAR. 2020. Tomato by-products extract integrated in food packaging. 24th–25th September 2020. The 19th International Conference “Life Sciences for Sustainable Development”, Cluj-Napoca, Romania – ORAL PRESS.
2. Laura MITREA, L.F. CĂLINOIU, K. SZABO, B.E. TELEKY, A. NEMEȘ, G.A. MARTĂU, V. MUREȘAN, D.C. VODNAR. 2020. Pigments extracted from tomato by-products and biomass-derived plasticizers as renewable source for improved PVA-based coating materials. 24th–25th September 2020. The 19th International Conference “Life Sciences for Sustainable Development”, Cluj-Napoca, Romania – ORAL PRESS.
3. Amalia NEMES, L. MITREA, L.F. CĂLINOIU, K. SZABO, B.E. TELEKY, C.L. LAPADUȘ, D. PLAMADA, M.S. PASCUTA, G.A. MARTĂU, E. SIMON, G. BARTA, F.V. DULF, D.C. VODNAR. 2021. Smart food labels based on agro-industrial by-products. 7th–8th June 2021. The CASEE Conference “CASEE universities as laboratories for new paradigms in life sciences and related disciplines”, Prague, Czech Republic – ORAL PRESS.
4. Bernadette-Emoke TELEKY, L. MITREA, L.F. CĂLINOIU, K. SZABO, G.A MARTĂU, A. NEMES, E. SIMON, G. BARTA, M.S. PASCUTA, D. PPLAMADA, C.L. LAPADUS, G. PRECUP, D.V. VODNAR. 2021. Physico-chemical characterization of soy-flour enriched wheat dough fermented with polyol producing lactic acid bacteria and bakery yeast. 7th–8th June 2021. The CASEE Conference “CASEE universities as laboratories for new paradigms in life sciences and related disciplines”, Prague, Czech Republic – ORAL PRESS.
5. Katalin Szabo, L.F. CĂLINOIU, L. MITREA, B.E. TELEKY, G.A. MARTĂU, G. PRECUP, A. NEMEȘ, C. LAPADUS, D. PLAMADA, E. SIMON, M. PASCUTA, G. BARTA, D.C. VODNAR. 2021. Assessment of the bioactive compounds found in tomato processing by-products influenced by industrial heat treatments. 7th–8th June 2021. The CASEE Conference “CASEE universities as laboratories for new paradigms in life sciences and related disciplines”, Prague, Czech Republic – ORAL PRESS.
Invited speaker
1. Gheorghe-Adrian MARTĂU (2021). Bioprocesarea deșeurilor municipale, în vederea obținerii de acid lactic, pentru industria alimentară și farmaceutică” – ora 13:50; Speaker: Adrian Martău, inginer, doctorand USAMV Cluj; 22th–26th November 2021. Conferințele Științifice INOVALIMENT – ORAL PRESS.
Other presentations
5. Project “Obtaining and characterizing the gel with the gold nanoparticles”, Student Scientific Communications Session, XIV Edition, USAMV, Cluj Napoca, (2nd place).
4. Participate at ProInvent-Cluj Napoca 2016 “PROCEDEU DE OBȚINERE A JELEULUI CU NANOPARTICULE DE AUR” (awarded with a gold medal and diploma of excellence).
3. Project “Optimization of the Trade Activity within the Cora Cluj store”, project POSDRU/189/2.1/g/156058, Internships for tomorrow's professionals - START-2015 (obtaining the 2nd place at the awards competition).
2. Project “Food drying possibilities at the Rotary Dryer” Student Scientific Communications Session, Edition an XII-a, USAMV, Cluj Napoca.
1. Project “A new Ketchup recipe” Student Scientific Communications Session, Edition an XI-a, USAMV, Cluj Napoca.
Obtaining attestation on the wastewater treatment – Bistrița-Năsăud.
Good knowledge of Microsoft Office ™, Lightroom, Windows (XP, VISTA, 7, 8, 10), Photoshop, Joomla, PDF Creator, TeamSpeak 3, ProShow Gold tools.
Research, Molecular Biology, Statistics, Teamwork, Social Media, Programming, Negotiation, Desire for Development, HACCP, FIFO, IFS, Trade, Management, Marketing, and Legislation food industry.
Capacity for integration, development, and communication.
Good knowledge of quality control processes, finished products and raw materials
Driving licence
Research Assistant
15 March 2021 – Present
Department of Food Science, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, 400372 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Research Assistant
08 September 2018 – 30 August 2020
Research assistant in food quality control. Department of Food Science, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, 400372 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
ACAMED Cod proiect 125171/380 (Proiect co-finanțat prin Programul Operațional Capital Uman 2014-2020)
01 October 2020 – 01 October 2021
POCU - ''Academia Cercetătorilor Antreprenori în Medicină - ACAMED", seria 2;
Contracte de cercetare castigate în competiții nationale.
Research scholarship (DBU)
01 September 2020 – 28 February 2021
The German Federal Environmental Foundation (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt DBU) la Leibniz-Institut für Agrartechnik und Bioökonomie e.V. (Max-Eyth-Allee 100 | 14469 Potsdam | DE). Identification of a natural flavor production alternative to vanillin derived from cereal by-products.
Alcoholic products preparation engineer
June 2017 – 01 September 2018
Alcoholic products preparation engineer, Prodvinalco SA, Cluj-Napoca
Planning the work program, receiving raw materials, taking samples for the laboratory for their analysis, preparing materials for the preparation of alcoholic beverages, and preparing alcoholic beverages: vodka, brandy, and whiskey. Monitoring and correcting any deviations created when preparing drinks. Introduction to the system (Global software), reception of raw materials, creation of production reports, analyses, inputs/outputs to other warehouses, test orders. I specialize in the engineering course, HACCP. Skills acquired using Global software, Excel, Word, Outlook, communication, organization, maintaining the machines in the best possible state of operation.
Volunteering Cora Hypermarket, Cluj-Napoca
10 November 2015 – 17 December 2015
Activities: receipt of goods, distribution of deposits, shelving, display of products, display of prices, price control, management of available stock and calculation of penalties, penalty method, measures to reduce the discount, anticipation of the discount, management of expired products, verification a portion of FIFO products, optimization of the trading process, implementation of HACCP.
Volunteering, Company SC NIAGARA IMPEX
12 Julie 2014 – 29 Julie 2014
Address: Boulevard Grănicerilor, No. 43 C, Năsăud City, Bistrița-Năsăud County
• Manufacture and control of bakery products;
• Marketing of bakery products.
Wastewater Treatment - (Attestation)
15 January 2011 – 21 April 2011
Activities: Analysis and interpretation of the results on the wastewater of Bistrita, establishing the stages of wastewater treatment and the operating principle, ways to improve wastewater treatment.
English B2
Deutsch A1.1.1
Education and training
University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca
September 2018 – Present
PhD student
Department: Biotechnologies
University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca
September 2016 – June 2018
Master's degree: Food Quality Management
University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca
September 2012 – June 2016
Faculty of Food Science and Technology
Grup Școlar Silvic-Năsăud
September 2008 – June 2012
High school - Profile: Technological, Specialization: Environmental protection